
Informacja na stronie w jᶒzyku angielskim .

A Holocaust Survivor from Będzin Returns to Poland

A Holocaust Survivor from Będzin Returns to Poland

After centuries of often violent anti-Semitism–since long before, during and after World War II–the government of Poland recently opened a new museum honoring the role of Jews in Polish history. That occasion prompted Dasha Rittenberg of New York, a Holocaust survivor from Będzin, to go back to Poland to see if and how much it has changed. Filmmaker Menachem Daum follows Rittenberg's journey to her grandfather's grave site, the dedication ceremony for the new museum, and her meeting with a Polish Catholic bishop.

Announcement referring to the 9-7-1939 Będzin memorial service

Announcement referring to the 9-7-1939 Będzin memorial service

"The Polish branch of the Zionist Federation in Będzin announces that on 9 July 1939 at 7 p.m. there will be a big memorial service for the 35th day to the passing away of our nation's leader

Dr. Theodor Ze'ev
 Herzl of blessed memory

and the 5th anniversary to the passing away of our national poet

Mr. Hayim Nahman Bialik of blessed memory

Speeches will be held by:
Rabbi A. Grausman, I. Wygodzki, A. Liwer etc.
The Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ)

The Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ)

The Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ)

Saving Jewish Heritage in Poland One Stone at a Time

The Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ) was established in 2002 by the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland and the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO). It's primary mission is to protect and commemorate the surviving sites and monuments of Jewish cultural heritage in Poland. The Foundation is active where no Jewish community exists today or where distance from major urban centers or lack of sufficient financial resources makes it difficult for present-day small Jewish communities to provide adequate long term care and maintenance of historic Jewish properties. 

Datki dla Związku

Działalność Związku wymaga niemałych kosztów pieniężnych.
Głównym źródłem na pokrycie kosztów są składki członkowskie.

Wasz udział jest decydujący.

Darowizny dla Związku sᶏ mile widziane.

Wpłata bezpośrednia do banku:

Konto "Irgun Jocei Zagłᶒbie". Leumi Bank, Herclija, IZRAEL, oddział 783, numer konta: 3460062

  • בית התפוצות
  • לוחמי הגטאות
  • fundacja
  • JRI
  • משואה - המכון ללימודי שואה
  • usa holocaust museun
  • יד ושם
  • Museum of the History of Polish Jews